Tyrannosaur Discovered With Last Meal Preserved in Its Stomach

For the first time, paleontologists have discovered a fossilized tyrannosaur with its last meal preserved in its stomach—and it turns out the dinosaur was a fussy eater, consuming only the choicest parts of its prey and discarding the rest. 

The discovery confirms what researchers have long suspected: Juvenile tyrannosaurs, like this one, sliced through the flesh of small prey with blade-like teeth, while adults, with chompers strong enough to crush bone, targeted giant herbivores.

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Listen to article (2 minutes) For the first time, paleontologists have discovered a fossilized tyrannosaur with its last meal preserved in its stomach—and it turns out the dinosaur was a fussy eater, consuming only the choicest parts of its prey and discarding the rest.  The discovery confirms what researchers have long suspected: Juvenile tyrannosaurs, like…

Listen to article (2 minutes) For the first time, paleontologists have discovered a fossilized tyrannosaur with its last meal preserved in its stomach—and it turns out the dinosaur was a fussy eater, consuming only the choicest parts of its prey and discarding the rest.  The discovery confirms what researchers have long suspected: Juvenile tyrannosaurs, like…

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