Why Termites Blow Themselves Up: The Fascinating Chemistry of Their Defense Mechanisms

Neocapritermes taracua TermitesNeocapritermes taracua termites carry a life-ending enzyme that, when mixed with another compound during attacks, produces a lethal liquid, sacrificing the termite to protect its colony. Older worker termites of the species Neocapritermes taracua protect their colonies with an unparalleled defense mechanism. When the colony is attacked, they sacrifice themselves by setting off an explosive […]

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Neocapritermes taracua termites carry a life-ending enzyme that, when mixed with another compound during attacks, produces a lethal liquid, sacrificing the termite to protect its colony. Older worker termites of the species Neocapritermes taracua protect their colonies with an unparalleled defense mechanism. When the colony is attacked, they sacrifice themselves by setting off an explosive…

Neocapritermes taracua termites carry a life-ending enzyme that, when mixed with another compound during attacks, produces a lethal liquid, sacrificing the termite to protect its colony. Older worker termites of the species Neocapritermes taracua protect their colonies with an unparalleled defense mechanism. When the colony is attacked, they sacrifice themselves by setting off an explosive…

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