Welcome to the Ultra era with luxury iPhones, Macs, and iPads

There is a trend emerging at Apple, and it’s one that could do serious damage to your Apple Card balance.

Apple has long held a reputation for making premium products—both in quality and price. The iPhone is more expensive than most Android phones, the Mac more than your average PC, and so on. Every single major product Apple sells is pricier than the bulk of its competitors. Yet the company is still wildly successful, regardless.

Now, based on recent trends and new reporting, it seems that Apple plans to test its customers’ loyalty by offering even higher cost, super-premium versions of nearly its entire product line.

Welcome to the Ultra era.

The growing trend of Ultra-class products

This upward trajectory with Apple products in some ways started with the iPhone X, which debuted at a then-shocking $999 starting price. Carrying the most advanced tech possible, it represented a major leap forward for the iPhone. And while some balked at its high cost, the device was overall a major hit for Apple.

The iPhone X proved that Apple’s customer base was willing to pay an even higher premium than ever for a top-tier product.

Apple took the findings from the iPhone X and tested them out on a different product line in 2022. The Apple Watch Ultra was the official start of the ‘Ultra’ line, and it too proved successful.

This year, Apple has debuted two new products that are ‘Ultra-class’ despite not bearing that title: the Vision Pro, which delivers “tomorrow’s technology today” at a premium $3,499 price tag. And most recently the M4 iPad Pro, which saw the already-most expensive iPad model receive a major price hike.

It seems that Apple is only getting started, though. Reports indicate that the iPhone 17 line will feature a new Ultra model in 2025. Additionally, in 2026 a new all-screen foldable MacBook is expected to debut. Both products will no doubt come with starting prices that reach new peaks for their respective lineups.

Entering the new luxury normal with Apple

Apple money

If all of these reports pan out, within the next couple years we could see an entire line of ultra-premium Apple products that command new highs for their starting price.

How will the market respond?

If past trends hold true, Apple will likely be rewarded for taking its product lineup further upscale. As long as it can continue offering a wide spectrum of entry price points, having aspirational models with the most advanced tech possible is bound to only increase Apple’s following.

The company may get knocked at times for releasing too many “boring” iterative products, but if it can pack awe-inducing tech into special luxury versions of its products, it can prove itself just as strong an innovator as ever—and make a whole ton of money doing it.

How do you feel about Apple’s push into higher end price points? What would make an ultra-premium iPhone or MacBooks worth it to you? Let us know in the comments.

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There is a trend emerging at Apple, and it’s one that could do serious damage to your Apple Card balance. Apple has long held a reputation for making premium products—both in quality and price. The iPhone is more expensive than most Android phones, the Mac more than your average PC, and so on. Every single…

There is a trend emerging at Apple, and it’s one that could do serious damage to your Apple Card balance. Apple has long held a reputation for making premium products—both in quality and price. The iPhone is more expensive than most Android phones, the Mac more than your average PC, and so on. Every single…

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