Submarine and terrestrial cable damages lead recent internet disruptions

Submarine and terrestrial cables carry communications signals, such as internet traffic, across oceans and over land – and are often heavily insulated to prevent them from being damaged.

However, with enough determination and a little bit of ingenuity even cables in the deepest waters can be damaged, whether intentionally or not.

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Submarine and terrestrial cables carry communications signals, such as internet traffic, across oceans and over land – and are often heavily insulated to prevent them from being damaged. However, with enough determination and a little bit of ingenuity even cables in the deepest waters can be damaged, whether intentionally or not. The latest report from…

Submarine and terrestrial cables carry communications signals, such as internet traffic, across oceans and over land – and are often heavily insulated to prevent them from being damaged. However, with enough determination and a little bit of ingenuity even cables in the deepest waters can be damaged, whether intentionally or not. The latest report from…

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