Rewriting Cosmic Calculations: New AI Unlocks the Universe’s Settings

Galaxy Formation ArtAI improves cosmological parameter estimation, enhancing understanding of the universe’s expansion and structure. The standard model of the universe depends on six numbers. Using a new method powered by artificial intelligence, researchers at the Flatiron Institute and their colleagues extracted information hidden in the distribution of galaxies to estimate the values of five of these […]

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AI improves cosmological parameter estimation, enhancing understanding of the universe’s expansion and structure. The standard model of the universe depends on six numbers. Using a new method powered by artificial intelligence, researchers at the Flatiron Institute and their colleagues extracted information hidden in the distribution of galaxies to estimate the values of five of these…

AI improves cosmological parameter estimation, enhancing understanding of the universe’s expansion and structure. The standard model of the universe depends on six numbers. Using a new method powered by artificial intelligence, researchers at the Flatiron Institute and their colleagues extracted information hidden in the distribution of galaxies to estimate the values of five of these…

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