NBN prices have changed – these are the 5 plans we now recommend

We knew that NBN bills were going to rise and now we’re into the new financial year in Australia, prices have indeed begun to increase. In fact, most – but not all – NBN providers have already implemented price hikes, predominantly on their 25Mbps and 50Mbps NBN plans. It’s not all bad news though, as in some cases, we’ve also seen monthly costs of the best NBN 250 plans and NBN 1000 plans decrease.

These changes mean it’s just as important as ever to shop around to make sure you’re getting the best deal. You may have previously been putting off moving up a speed tier due to cost, but now a 100Mbps plan may present itself as great value overall compared to your current NBN 50 plan, for example. 

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We knew that NBN bills were going to rise and now we’re into the new financial year in Australia, prices have indeed begun to increase. In fact, most – but not all – NBN providers have already implemented price hikes, predominantly on their 25Mbps and 50Mbps NBN plans. It’s not all bad news though, as…

We knew that NBN bills were going to rise and now we’re into the new financial year in Australia, prices have indeed begun to increase. In fact, most – but not all – NBN providers have already implemented price hikes, predominantly on their 25Mbps and 50Mbps NBN plans. It’s not all bad news though, as…

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