How to hide likes on Facebook and Instagram

Social media platforms have given everyone a voice and a way to connect with the wider world. While this is mostly beneficial, there are also drawbacks – not least of which are concerns about privacy and a loss of control over personal data. 

The content you share, the reactions it gathers from your contacts, and the details of the pages you follow are three things that can be incredibly revealing about you and the people you know. Like numbers can also affect your mood, so it’s good to know how to exercise some degree of control by hiding likes.

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Social media platforms have given everyone a voice and a way to connect with the wider world. While this is mostly beneficial, there are also drawbacks – not least of which are concerns about privacy and a loss of control over personal data.  The content you share, the reactions it gathers from your contacts, and…

Social media platforms have given everyone a voice and a way to connect with the wider world. While this is mostly beneficial, there are also drawbacks – not least of which are concerns about privacy and a loss of control over personal data.  The content you share, the reactions it gathers from your contacts, and…

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