How to charge AirPods using an iPhone 15

There are few sounds more soul-crushing than Apple’s ‘out of charge’ AirPods jingle. Have you ever boarded the train to work, mentally prepared for the dopamine rush of that first killer Spotify track (or Apple Music track, if you’re that way inclined), only to discover that you did not, in fact, charge your AirPods the night before? Of course you have. We all have. It sucks.

But what if you never had to worry about your AirPods running out of charge again? Or rather, you always had a way to charge them, wherever you are in the world? Well, dear reader, thanks to the reverse charging capabilities of the iPhone 15, you’re now able to do just that using only a USB-C cable, irrespective of which AirPods you own. 

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There are few sounds more soul-crushing than Apple’s ‘out of charge’ AirPods jingle. Have you ever boarded the train to work, mentally prepared for the dopamine rush of that first killer Spotify track (or Apple Music track, if you’re that way inclined), only to discover that you did not, in fact, charge your AirPods the…

There are few sounds more soul-crushing than Apple’s ‘out of charge’ AirPods jingle. Have you ever boarded the train to work, mentally prepared for the dopamine rush of that first killer Spotify track (or Apple Music track, if you’re that way inclined), only to discover that you did not, in fact, charge your AirPods the…

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