From digital archive into dust: Google bids a farewell to cached web pages, with users mourning the historic feature

Phrases like “What’s on the internet is forever” have become commonplace, but lately that might be becoming less and less accurate, as Google is preparing to stop backing up cached pages. 

A cached page is a digital copy of a web page that’s stored in an individual user’s or organization’s temporary storage (such as short-term session storage). This essentially functions like a backup or ‘snapshot’ of these websites, and Google Search would make these backups as it combed the web for search results.  

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Phrases like “What’s on the internet is forever” have become commonplace, but lately that might be becoming less and less accurate, as Google is preparing to stop backing up cached pages.  A cached page is a digital copy of a web page that’s stored in an individual user’s or organization’s temporary storage (such as short-term…

Phrases like “What’s on the internet is forever” have become commonplace, but lately that might be becoming less and less accurate, as Google is preparing to stop backing up cached pages.  A cached page is a digital copy of a web page that’s stored in an individual user’s or organization’s temporary storage (such as short-term…

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