Critical Flaws: New Alzheimer’s Drug Could Actually Be a Safety Risk

Old Man Alzheimer's DementiaAn investigation has uncovered alarming issues including increased mortality rates, absent safety records, dubious efficacy, and financial connections between expert advisors and pharmaceutical companies. It was found that seven out of the eight doctors on the review panel had received payments directly from drug manufacturers. An investigation published by The BMJ raises concerns about the […]

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An investigation has uncovered alarming issues including increased mortality rates, absent safety records, dubious efficacy, and financial connections between expert advisors and pharmaceutical companies. It was found that seven out of the eight doctors on the review panel had received payments directly from drug manufacturers. An investigation published by The BMJ raises concerns about the…

An investigation has uncovered alarming issues including increased mortality rates, absent safety records, dubious efficacy, and financial connections between expert advisors and pharmaceutical companies. It was found that seven out of the eight doctors on the review panel had received payments directly from drug manufacturers. An investigation published by The BMJ raises concerns about the…

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