Can Brain Scans Predict Depression Before It Happens? Scientists Think So

Brain Technology Depression Mental Health ConceptWeill Cornell Medicine’s study identified that individuals with a larger salience network in their brain are more likely to develop depression, suggesting a new approach for predicting and treating neuropsychiatric conditions. By conducting repeated brain scans on a small group of patients over a year and a half, researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have discovered […]

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Weill Cornell Medicine’s study identified that individuals with a larger salience network in their brain are more likely to develop depression, suggesting a new approach for predicting and treating neuropsychiatric conditions. By conducting repeated brain scans on a small group of patients over a year and a half, researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have discovered…

Weill Cornell Medicine’s study identified that individuals with a larger salience network in their brain are more likely to develop depression, suggesting a new approach for predicting and treating neuropsychiatric conditions. By conducting repeated brain scans on a small group of patients over a year and a half, researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have discovered…

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