Breaking Cognitive Boundaries: Groundbreaking Study Finds Monkeys Use “Names” To Communicate

Mother and Daughter Marmoset MonkeysMarmoset monkeys have been observed using specific calls to address individual members of their group, suggesting advanced social communication skills that parallel human language development. The ability to name others is a highly advanced cognitive function observed in social animals. Previously, this behavior was only known to exist in humans, dolphins, and elephants. Our closest […]

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Marmoset monkeys have been observed using specific calls to address individual members of their group, suggesting advanced social communication skills that parallel human language development. The ability to name others is a highly advanced cognitive function observed in social animals. Previously, this behavior was only known to exist in humans, dolphins, and elephants. Our closest…

Marmoset monkeys have been observed using specific calls to address individual members of their group, suggesting advanced social communication skills that parallel human language development. The ability to name others is a highly advanced cognitive function observed in social animals. Previously, this behavior was only known to exist in humans, dolphins, and elephants. Our closest…

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